Pool Services

Pool Tech Pool Services
Are you tired of scooping leaves, measuring Ph levels or checking chemicals? Does your pool need maintenance or renovations? Having a dinner party, pool party, or other social gathering? Going out of town on vacation and need your pool maintained while you are out of town? Listing your home on the real estate market?
Regardless of your needs, Pool Tech can make your pool sparkle like new. Pool Tech offers the following services:

Weekly Pool & Spa Service
Are you tired of cleaning your pool, spa, or hot tub? Let Pool Tech Take the work out of owning a pool. Our weekly pool cleaning is unsurpassed! We keeps hundreds of residential and commercial pools sparkling clean and crystal clear so you can enjoy the positive aspects of your pool. We also do one time cleanups and even maintain your pool for a week or two while you are away, enjoying your vacation. If you presently have a pool service and are not getting that attention-to-detail service you are paying for, call us for a quote. We do have openings and can possibly match what you are paying, plus provide you with far superior service. We can put you on one of our maintenance programs, or just fix your pool when you need service.
Our weekly service includes:
- blowing off the pool deck( We are one of the only companies that do this)
- *Skim debris off pool surface
- *completely vacuum pool bottom and walls
- clean tile/liner at water line to remove grease and body oils
- Brush walls and bottom of pool
- Do a complete water analysis, and add the appropriate chemicals
- Backwash and empty both skimmer and pump baskets
- Thoroughly inspect filtration and pump components to insure they are working efficiently and catch small problems before they are costly!

Pool Pump & Filter Repairs
We are experts at repairing, replacing or installing new pool pumps, filters, timers, salt systems and even automatic pool cleaners. We have small one horse power pumps and motors for the residential pool, all the way up to the huge nine horse power pumps that keep the water flowing properly at the resort and commercial pools. Our trucks are stocked with timers, salt repair parts, pvc pipes, valves, seals, baskets, baskets an array of pool motors, chemicals, and just about anything we will need to fix your pool immediately. We also install the variable speed pumps to save you tons of money on your electricity bill. Ask us about the $200 and the $400 rebate the city offers on these installations.
Liner Repairs / Replacement
Over the years, we have replaced thousands of pool liners in Tallahassee, Quincy, Havana, Perry, and even along the coast. All of our liners are “Custom” made to fit your pool. If you have a simple rectangle pool, or a complex free form pool, we can insure that our liners fit perfectly. We have a nice selection of beautiful liners that you will love. If your liner is torn, pulling away from the top (the coping) we can fix it or reinstall it back into its place. Every season our liner manufacturer gives us a list of five liners that they promote. Basically you will get the “Super Thick” liner at the normal thickness price. This typically saves you $400-$500 on a liner install! The average life of a liner is 7-8 years. It typically only 2-3 weeks for us to have a new liner installed for you. We have many liners that we have installed that have lasted over 15 years! It is imperative that the liner is measured and installed properly to insure you get the longest life out of your liner. If your pool is leaking, we have advanced methods of detecting and fixing your liner leak.

Commercial Renovations / Remarcite
We service and repair hundreds of commercial swimming pools, but we also replace tile and replace that worn finish with a bright new market. We have numerous finishes we can apply to up-date your pool. We have quarts, stone and variation of different finishes. If your tile is old, discolored, or cracked, we can also replace or repair it. We are licensed to repair and replace the large filtration, lights and pump components on any commercial pool. We also recommend updating system with the new variable speed pumps to reduce operating costs.

Pool Inspections
If you are a homeowner buying a house with a pool, or a realtor representing a buyer, you should definitely have a “Pool Inspection” before you buy a house with a pool. For a nominal fee, we will inspect all components of the pool. The pool deck, the filter, pump, pvc, valves, the light, the pools interior and the pool cleaners will be inspected and a report will be provided. We presently work for over 10 real estate companies and have been providing professional pool inspections for them for over 20 years.
Advanced Leak Detection
If you have a pool, eventually you will have a leak. Typically, they are visible at the filter or pump, but sometimes they are hidden underground, or in the pool liner. We have advanced methods to scuba dive and locate the under water leaks and repair them, and we can also pressure test all of your plumbing lines to locate and repair the underground leaks in the pool’s plumbing.
Commercial Pool Repair, Service and Cleaning
We have been providing weekly service and repairs on commercial pools in Tallahassee for over 30 years. We typically stock all of the pumps, filters, chlorinators, motors and large plumbing fittings needed to quickly get your pool back on line and looking pristine clear and blue. We do weekly service, cleaning, and inspections on hundreds of commercial pools in Tallahassee. If you have a student property, a hotel, a home owners association, an apartment complex, a huge fountain, or even a swimming pool at the Huge Woodmen of the world summer camp, we can maintain or repair it for you.
One Time Clean Ups
Sometimes we get busy with life and the pool gets away from us and turns into the “Green Monster.” If that happens, we can send out a crew out and get it clean, clear and balanced for you. If you are going out of town for a holiday or vacation, let us clean it while you are gone so you will not have a dirty and green pool when you return.

Salt Water Conversions
Are you tired of lugging those heavy liquid chlorine jugs around? A salt water conversion may be your answer. We can convert your chlorine pool into a salt water pool in less than a day! We install both the Hayward and Pentair systems, depending on your needs. We also do maintenance and service your cells. Once or twice a year, or cell should be inspected and acid cleaned to avoid scaling. Call us with your questions.
Automatic Pool Cleaner Repairs and Installation
Is your pool always dirty? Do you clean it and three hours later, it is dirty again? Well, you may consider an automatic cleaner. The beauty is, they come on periodically, insuring that your pool always looks nice and ready for a swim. There are several amazing cleaners available. If you have a cleaner and it isn’t doing the job, or the booster pump is bad, we can fix it for you. Give us a call.

Pool School
Are you a new pool owner and have no idea how the system or components work? Call us! We will send a certified pool technician out to your house and show you the proper way to maintain and service your pool. By learning properly, you will avoid costly repairs. We will teach you how to test the chemicals, backwash the filters, empty the baskets, adjust the timers and salt system, maintain the pool cleaner and the order in which proper cleaning and service should be done.